On March 12, we had the 3rd encounter of “Laudato Si” which is, as you already know, one of the activities that the route, “We take care of LIFE and OUR COMMON HOME”, presented to us.

The meeting started with the sharing of some of the “Good practices” that are being done in the different countries and schools. It was wonderful to observe how much we have grown and how the “good practices” - the sensitivity of taking care of the planet which is our COMMON HOME” - are going beyond the limits of our Schools. 


On this occasion, the Spínola Lay Associates of Spain - who were having a meeting in El Espinar- shared how each one of them, at the family level, was working on responsible consumption. This invited us to become aware of the need to start incorporating certain practices that have as a value that “everything counts”.

Thereafter, as usual, we had a space for prayer to prepare ourselves to open up to listening and learning, to sharing and to be grateful for the encounter itself.

Charo Morán who works precisely with the group “Ecologist in Action” talked to us about “Analytic and Responsible Consumption”. The conference, or better said, the class, was very good, as befits a person who is an expert on the theme we are reflecting about.  We noticed that she had many more things to say but there was no more time! 

Most of us were grateful for having heard a person talking about Consumption with such a broad knowledge of the theme and very much updated at that. This gave us the opportunity of having a self-examination about the way and content of our consumption.  But not only for r us, but also for our society in its habits of consumption, and in the offers we have constantly at hand. These are helping us to know which offer to take and which one to decline and why we have come up with that option. Gradually we learn to change our life at a personal level and in practice. “Laudato Si” invites us TO CHANGE THE WAY WE USE THE GOODS FOR CONSUMPTION because we are hurting seriously our planet for the near future generation.

                                  Por Mª José Laínez, adc

Once more, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THESE ENCOUNTERS that are uniting us and making us come near each other because WE ARE WALKING TOGETHER. And Pope Francis is requesting us to do it having that spirit of SYNODALITY in mind.