What have your sisters asked of the Chapter delegates?

What do you ask of the General Chapter?

At the end of the pre-chapter phase in our communities, this was one of the questions that we were invited to share.

From the convictions that all the Handmaids of the Divine Heart are in Chapter, although not all of us participate in person, the Chapter assembly has opened its work by listening to the requests made by their Sisters.

Our sisters ask us to...

  • open ourselves and listen in depth to the Spirit. Truth and light often emerge when and from where it is least expected.
  • continue making the expression “all in Chapter!” a reality and letting us feel one body, allowing ourselves to be inspired, entering "barefooted" into the sacred ground of each of our sisters.
  • be audacious and courageous in opening new paths that will continue moving the life in the Congregation.
  • be faithful to our Charism, to be bold and creative, remembering the capacity of our first missionary sisters to take risks. Only then will we discover the opportunities that this moment brings us.
  • open ourselves wholeheartedly to what the world needs today, having as references the spirit of our Founders and our Constitutions.
  • use Carefully chosen and attractive language so we can all understand everyone.
  • be realistic in terms of making decisions, but decisions that encourage life and point to horizons of hope.
  • trust in the Lord. Our history is his history; He leads us. 

 With the desire to keep the entire Congregation in mind at all times and the different realities in which it is present, these images displayed in the Chapter conference hall may remind us.