“When they saw the little child in the manger, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy”

This year’s Christmas Delegation encounter was a very special gift from God for us. In His own time and ways, we were able to have the gathering in person amidst the uncertainties brought by the pandemic.

The meeting of the three communities - after almost two years of travel restrictions due to pandemic - has been almost like the itinerary of the three Wise Men who, in their search for the Child Jesus, were guided by a star. I had my doubts if the planned face-to-face meeting was going to become a reality. God said yes, and in his goodness, blessed our respective journeys from Manila and Zamboanga to Ipil. And when, finally, we all met in Ipil, it was as if we had found the Child Jesus in the manger, and we felt great joy. After two years, we were finally able to physically welcome each other with hugs, joy, laughter and, above all, talk about our lives.

For the Delegation, this encounter was the best Christmas present we could receive; that is, being able to close the year 2021 together with gratitude - with its sorrows and joys - and welcome the year 2022 with growing hope.

  • We celebrated the birth of Jesus in our hearts. In our recollection, we had a profound experience of gratitude, trust and dedication to God, the source of all goodness, while we made the "spiritual balance of the year", and we shared our longings, our vision of “the kind of Handmaid we want to be today”.
  • We were helped to experience an intimate communion with God and with each other as we went through the different dynamics and activities such as the:
    • Heart to heart dialogue with God in prayer;
    • Grateful remembering of significant events in our lives for these past 6 years both at local and international level, the self-giving, the unconditional YES of each sister in responding to the mission entrusted to each one. All these were signs that “our congregation is alive”;
    • Exchange and dialogue regarding the map of presence which evoked a familial spirit where each of us with inner freedom expressed our thoughts, doubts, and concerns. I witnessed everyone actively participating with confidence and humility. We dialogued new possibilities in our mission with its consequences and possible impact in the future. There was a sincere search for what God wants of us, Handmaids today;
    • Grateful recognition of how the Model of government has been implemented with creative fidelity and with constant seeking of what is most helpful and effective in responding to the needs of the Congregation and the world in these past years.
    • We had an intense experience of being a community of sisters, and a sister to each other in the Congregation. It was heartwarming to know each one’s reality. We acknowledged our personal struggles and difficulties in bringing to reality the dream of the 20th general chapter, “we want to be communities of which people will be able to say; “look how they love each other because of the way we speak, listen, support, forgive each other, and laugh together”.
  • God blessed us with the presence and sharing of the Spinola Lay Affiliates. The presentation of their realities, dreams and activities gave each of us joy and hope. Listening to each of them, one can only exclaimed that our charism is alive. Yes, it is alive in each of them.

Personally, I am grateful to Myrna, Nilda, Emely and Angie who helped in facilitating this encounter. The joy of the encounter could never be possible without the silent presence of Bonnie and Milflor, who provided us with healthy, delicious food. Memories of this encounter could be forgotten if not because of Elmor and Hazel who burned their candles each day to faithfully finish the minutes. Thanks to Terry and Jerline who animated our nights of recreation and for the presence of Joy from Angola whose presence also made a difference.

God has been gracious to us by allowing Sr. Angeles Martinez Paredes at 87 to be present in this encounter. She is our faithful companion in the journey who witnessed the beginning and the ups and downs of our story as Philippine Delegation.

I feel that our Christmas Delegation encounter has recreated the meaning of our vocation as Handmaids. The time seemed too short but it was filled with the Holy Spirit. We ended our encounter with hope, trust and determination to move forward. Like the Magi, who “departed for their country by another route”, I feel that we will never be the same again as we walk, listen and dance with others, for others, from the Other, WE ARE THE HANDMAIDS OF THE DIVINE HEART TODAY”.

Jesnen C. Porras, adc